In an address at the University of Virginia, FDR stated that the Germans, backed by the “gods of force and hate,” would radically endanger Western democracy and therefore required the US to be sympathetic towards the powers who fought against Germany (9). FDR promised that he would extend to the powers against Germany the material resources of the United States and also make sure America would have all the equipment ready for emergency and to defend global democracy (9). By June 1940, Britain's ability to fight against Hitler seemed to be weakening. This brought many American isolationists to make the argument that if the United States entered the war, they would essentially be entering against Hitler's regime by themselves because all the other opposing forces would be too weak to help (10). However, Winston Churchill, the prime minister of Britain, continued to urge FDR to join him in the war against Hitler. Churchill argued that the United States would join the war, but it was only a matter of time (11). He also argued that if Hitler took over France, Japan, and Britain, the US would have no chance of overcoming such a enormous force, so they must join the war before it was too late (11). Then in July 1940, France fell to Germany. This meant Great Britain was almost the last free country in Europe and needed even more American aid (12). Additionally, Britain begged the United States to cut off in every way from Germany and Italy, and any territories that were occupied by those states (12). They also urged the United States to consider possibilities of taking measures to secure most effective joint use of mercantile fleets of the US and Allies (12). All of this put together would definitely increase tension between the United States and Germany as Germany would be extremely suspicious of the Americans