The revenge that the aboriginals had on the Britain’s First Fleet for destroying their waterways, hunting ground, hurting their women and crushing their …show more content…
As Surgeon White described the consequence of their selfish behaviour, ‘… a scene from hell.’ From their greed many people died and their selfishness caused a greater problem, then clash of cultivation.
‘How could any people live who knew so little about the simplest things, like hunting food and keeping water clean.’ (P.6) This is the Britain’s First Fleet showing their ignorance of how the aboriginals have lived and survived on the land for generations. Their behaviour caused the smallpox outbreak that wiped out a large amount of the aboriginal population and their ignorance almost caused themselves to starve to death. This ignorance of how to survive on the land caused many people to die.
The corruption of the Rum Corps caused many problems for the colony and the aboriginals by making the population fear for, ‘they did what they want, took what they wanted. They hanged anyone who tried to stop them.’ (P.217) They felt so powerful by being corrupted as if they could get away with stealing, raping and killing without any fears. The corruption of the Rum Corps, a corps that was made to protect the people of New South Wales, caused a problem for