Adolescents are often hindered in life by the absence of parents. I myself grew up as one of those adolescent teens whose parents weren’t always there. Due to the fact that my parents were not always around, I was able to fully experience and understand what the “street life” was like because I had begun to take after my older siblings. Adolescents can be placed at a higher victimization risk depending specifically on the activity that they may partake in when they go out (Felson, Savolainen, Berg, & Ellonen, 2012). This was my breakthrough, I did not enjoy the bad things that I had witnessed nor did I want to any longer be a part of them. The streets are what inspired my drive to better myself, and it gave me a dream of becoming a part of the FBI. I want to help those who suffered from the sights that I saw as a child and those who are still suffering from them. I feel that this is the best way to overcome the struggles and adversities handed to me throughout my childhood years.
Learning From Home, Supplying My Future
Making it into a college – not to mention being a full scholarship athlete – is a tremendous accomplishment to have gained, especially where I have come from. Through rigorous and extreme dedication, I will work to obtain my Bachelors of Science degree within the next four years from Clemson University. I plan to do this by working hard within the classroom as well as outside of it. In order to do this, one must strive for greatness, greatness beyond the court or field that they may be playing on. Acknowledging my professor will be the first and foremost task that I will try to do; simply to establish a relationship if I were to need any extra help throughout the course. I will assay to complete my undergraduate program within 3 years so that I will be able to receive my Master’s degree through the graduate’s program. I hope to do so by the time that I have reached the end of my senior in college. Entering into the graduate’s program, I will seek a Master’s degree that can give me a superior status entering into the business world, post-graduation. I believe that this will benefit my livelihood tremendously,