Tracy was raped by her uncle for years, making her pregnant at a young age with Amy. Tracy’s uncle was kicked out of the community, and Tracy’s mother somehow blamed Tracy. Because of the dysfunctional nature of the family, mistrust runs rampant. Tracy’s mother doesn't trust her, Tracy doesn't trust her uncle, and most of all, little Amy doesn't trust any of her family members. She is “neglected and lonely,” and therefore does not hold any trust in any of her family members, who “don’t love her or even like her” (33,32). This is paralleled by her setting fire to the family garage, which became a “total loss” (32). The fire “began to crawl up the wall” of the Dunn’s garage (31). The usage of the word crawl can be interpreted as making your skin crawl, the feeling you get when you don’t trust someone. Given this definition and the backstory of Amy Dunn, it is safe to say that the destructive garage fire was caused by and represents mistrust in the story. Another instance of fire being caused by mistrust is regarding Keith. Keith gradually begins to act more rash and brazen in his early teenage years and sneaks out of the neighborhood one day armed with his BB