Film Analysis: Argo

Words: 489
Pages: 2

The film begins with the television explaining that the United States has granted the former Shah of Iran asylum in the United States. The movie then switches to the embassy in Iran that is surrounded by rioters and protesters. The diplomats remain calm until a rioter jumps over the fence and enters the embassy and is then joined by others when the fence gate is cut open. The Americans inside the building then proceed to destroy all sensitive material that could be captured. They smash telephones and burn files as the Iranians begin to enter the building with weapons. They manage to shred the identity of all of the diplomats working at the embassy and six manage to escape in the confusion. The six then take refuge at the Canadian embassy and wait for help. The government then attempts to find ways to bring home the six Americans without risking their lives. The C.I.A. agents have little options and are left with one plan to make a fake Canadian film project named Argo. Tony Mendez devises the plan and is left with little support from the agency and sets out to find a director and promoter. Once he manages to find a fake director and promoter …show more content…
They encounter trouble while traveling through a market and are forced to back into hiding until they can leave the country. While the Iranians wait for action by the United States they have taken the shredded files into sweatshops where they are being reassembled and the team realizes it is only a matter of time before their true identity is revealed. They travel to the airport and make it past security until they are about to get on their flight and a member is stopped. They then convince the guards that they are part of the Argo film crew and board the plane. Meanwhile the papers have been reassembled and the airport is phone. The security chases the plane down the runway but are unable to catch them before they take