Introduction of website With the rapid development of technology and information, the film industry grows increasingly. In my report I prepare to introduce Mornington Cinemas website in Melbourne (www.morning Briefly I introduce the Mornington Cinemas website detailed business information. The Mornington Cinemas website information posts some content of films that were screening on the cinema recently. Exactly cinema website releases the film time table and film title to notice customer current film information. The purpose of publicising the cinema information online is to enhance its physical cinema sale revenue and improve box-office profitability. Additionally Mornington cinemas website posts the film of time quantum in order to mention customer watching what they loved in time. Eventually the website notices its physical cinema address and contact phone. The cinema location is significant for customer to recognize the distance from home to cinema. Contact phone help to customer access to ask for some question for current film. Communication is direct way to solve the problem for customer.
Description current business of Cinema
Assessing the current business of cinema depend on what we discuss the type of cinema revenue business model. Observing the Mornington Cinemas information divides two types of business model: e-business model and physical business model. For cinema e-business model, it simply introduces the film title and time table for customer. Therefore there is no any revenue model on its e-business website. For physical cinema business model, the cinema revenues derive to sell film tickets for customer. Compared with the physical cinema the e-business cinema website just plays subsidiarity role to boost the ticket selling.
Recommendation of critical revenue model on its e-business model With the development of technology and society Mornington cinema will face to competitive pressure for business. They should improve product innovation and service quality for customers ( Kuo-Pin Chang & Gary Granham, 2012). Therefore I recommend some revenue model on the website for increasing scale of operation and reduction of transaction cycle time and enhancing their buying power.
Sale revenue model
The sale e-business revenue model defines that company derive revenue by selling product, information or service to customer on the website (Kenneth C. Laudon & Carol Guercio Traver , 2010). Sale revenue model online basically provide maximum of product profit for company. The following new feature or functionality will introduce and recommend for the Mornington Cinema Website.
Online payment
When it comes to sales revenue model, I have to introduce the online payment for the website. Typically the functionality of online payment plays critical role in sale revenue online. Compared with traditional payment method that customer must buy film ticket to the cinema ticket widow, the online payment solve the traditional payment problem for seller and to some extent bring benefit for customers effectively.
Advantage for seller (Mornington cinema)
1 Globalization
Online payment definitely breaks the region constraint for selling ticket. In other words, it provides online transaction platform to sell ticket or service to customer conveniently regardless of the cinema location, queuing in line for buying ticket and transaction timeliness (Jae Kyu Lee, 2003). Therefore globalization for online payment develops a necessity to promote competitiveness. Moreover globalization for online payment establishes the maximum of profit and effectiveness of productivity.
2 Reduce operation cost
Online payment not only figures out region constraint but also reduce operation cost for sellers. When customer bought the film ticket, they just fill up their bank card information via