To help regulate financial system in America the Federal Reserve was created in 1913. The Federal Reserve acts like the banker of the United States. They process Social Security and payroll checks. There responsible for the disbursement of government funded programs, like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The Federal Reserve plays a significant role in banking regulation. They create regulations that protect consumers as they are searching for loans. A great example of a Federal Reserve regulation is the Truth in Lending Act. The Federal Reserve protects the consumer against inaccurate and unfair credit billing and credit card practices. It requires lenders to provide loan cost information so a consumer could comparison shop for certain types of loans. The Feds or Federal Reserve also influences the economy. According to the San Francisco’s Federal Reserve website, the most important job of the Federal Reserve is to keep the economy healthy buy properly enforcing monetary policy. In return that will create and maintain a healthy employment rate, increase growth and stabilize prices.
In general, The Federal Reserve board is responsible for protecting consumers. The Reserves’ regulations protect consumers from unfair lending practices and they enforce those rules to financial institutions. The Chairman of Federal Reserve is the leader of the board. They report the board’s activities and monetary policies twice a year to Congress. The chairman also serves as a member of the international financial board. Ben Bernanke is the current Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Board also influences the national interest rate. If we take a look at today’s interest rate, which is roughly 3.2% for a thirty year fixed mortgage, the rate is