Final Study Guide Essay

Submitted By sydneyb42
Words: 2214
Pages: 9

Final Exam Review
The final exam will cover the last 6 lectures. The exam will consist of 50 multiple choice questions (2 points each) for a total of 100 points.
The questions highlighted in gray are new additions to the exam review
Pregnancy (9 questions)
Are pregnant women more or less active than non-pregnant women?
Less active
Is it generally safe to exercise while pregnant? For ALL women? Give a few example of when it is not safe to be physically active during pregnancy.
Except when they have complications or are unhealthy (slide 8)
Significant maternal heart disease
Premature labor during current pregnancy
Poorly controlled type 1 diabetes
What are the 2008 physical activity recommendations for women during pregnancy?
150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity
Brisk walking, during and after their pregnancy
What exercises should be avoided during pregnancy?
Contact sports
High altitude, risk of falling
2nd and 3rd trimester, should not lay on their back
What are the maternal benefits of being physically active during pregnancy?
Maintenance/improvement of fitness
Improved well-being
Reduced depression/anxiety
Reduced fatigue
Reduced low back/pelvic pain
Reduced risk of GDM
Reduced risk of reeclampsia
Less weight gain

What are the Institute of Medicine gestational weight gain recommendations?
Approx 300 extra calories per day- NOT EATING FOR TWO!

What adverse outcomes are associated with excessive gestational weight gain in women after delivery and in the child?
Pregnancy, labor and delivery complications:
Preeclampsia, GDM, cephalopelvic disproportion, failed induction, and cesarean delivery
Neonatal and infant outcomes:
Macrosomia, low five-minute apgar scores, seizure, hypoglycemia, and meconium aspiration
Post-delivery maternal outcomes
Postpartum weight retention
Child outcomes
What populations are at greater risk for excessive gestational weight gain and postpartum weight retention?
Excessive gestational weight gain
Overweight and obese
Lower SES
Postpartum weight retention
African Americans
Healthy Weight in Pregnancy and Postpartum (HIPP) study – Phase 1:
What was the objective of the study?
To see how much knowledge they had in regarding to healthy weight gain
Conduct formative work to conceptualize the factors that influence excessive weight gain during pregnancy and retention of weight gain postpartum and explore preferred intervention channels, approaches, and messages for African American women
Who took part in the study?
33 overweight and obese pregnant & postpartum African American women
Did women know how much weight they should gain in pregnancy?
70% of women were incorrect about weight gain recommendations
What were the primary barriers to exercise that women discussed?
Scared they would harm the baby
What were the primary findings (Phase 1 conclusions)
Women lacked knowledge regarding healthy GWG recommendations
Women were motivated to exercise for personal health benefits but fear exercise may harm the fetus
Awareness of the benefits of healthy eating was high, however women also cited many barrier
Children (8 questions)
What are the 2008 physical activity recommendations for children?
60 minutes of MVPA each day
What happens to physical activity levels as children transition from elementary to middle school (age 6-11 to 12-15)?
PA decreases
What are the benefits of physical activity in children?
Body comp
Self esteem depression What are the consequences of physical inactivity in children?
Overweight and obesity
More likely to become severely obese adults
Low fitness
Metabolic syndrome
High BP
High triglycerides
High blood sugar
Psychosocial impact
What are the 4 different types of parenting support? Which type of support best predicts increased physical