Finding Nemo Research Paper

Words: 664
Pages: 3

Finding Nemo is a childhood favorite for many. It teaches young children many different life lessons such as the cliche: “You don’t know what you’ve have until it’s gone.” Just as this lesson is developed throughout the movie many more are found within this unique animated story. Many children and adults enjoy this movie due to its relatable and humourous plotline. For me, it is not so much the plot that I relate too. It is moreso a small characteristic that helps develop - and later defines- Nemo and who he is. Just as Nemo was born with a damaged right fin, I too was born with a damaged shoulder. All my life my family has called me Nemo and has referred to my arm as my “gimp fin.” Although, there have been many challenges I have faced with my arm, I still look at this minor bump in the road as lucky, just as my pal Nemo does. …show more content…
I thought to myself, “a backbend, the most common trick. Looks easy. Let’s do this.” As my inflexible, brittle body tossed into the bridge position nothing seemed right. I struggled for hours in attempt but I could not manage to get my left arm, or shoulder in this case, to rotate the proper way to hold myself up. In a fit, I ran to my mother asking her why this was happening and it was then she had explained to me that there was a problem during my birth. I was stuck and the doctor had to make the urgent decision to either dislocate my left should, possibly leaving me paralyzed, or result to a C-section where I would ultimately suffer the consequences of hypoxia. After learning of this, I started to expand my sport interests, mainly looking for those that did not involve the use of my upper