It seems as though when we resolve to violence, for example, the Vietnam War which we lost, and the Iraq War which has lead to many problems for both countries, we end up losing not only soldiers, but respect and opportunities to focus on the further development of our country and it’s citizens. By staying out on conflict and not making enemies we would have a better relationship with more countries. Keeping allies is important, though providing military action is not the only way to develop relationships with countries. Fire Island proved this by trading with others and creating a good relationship which led to no one wanted to destroy or attack them.
In addition the expenses that are paid for military can be of better use elsewhere. Fire Island was able to achieve the most points because instead of spending all their money on military and weapons they were able to focus on health, education and poverty. President Trump has been cutting revenue for education and environment and focusing on the military, and perhaps this is one of the reasons his approval rating is so low. The goal of long term peace is creating good relationships with many countries, which is something Fire Island did, and is something we need to put more focus on as a