Fire Trucks: A Short Story

Words: 678
Pages: 3

10:56 AJ and Thomas walked towards the urgent care center. There were people screaming and running. Fire Trucks putting out buildings that were on fire. He thought that it was smooth sailing from here on out, but AJ was far from right. The hospital was on the other side of the river, and the drawbridge was starting to go up.
“We won’t be able to make it!” Thomas screamed.
“Look over there. We have to get to that car.” AJ said.
There was a 2004 Chevy Camaro. The car was racecar red and it had dust all over it. AJ sprinted over to it and opened the door. He put Thomas in the black leather passenger seat and turned the ignition. The car roared as he stepped on the gas pedal. AJ didn’t have a driver's licence, only a permit.
“Do you even know
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They got onto the grated drawbridge which was now at a 45 degree angle.
“HOLD ON!” AJ yelled.
The car launched into the air. They were at least 20 ft. high. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Looking around, seeing the water in the river filled with debris. Buildings collapsing in the background. It was as if it was out of an action movie. Then, the car landed on the other side. The bumpers smashed off of the ground and the car drifted across the street. They were both stunned about what has just happened.
“We made it!” Thomas exclaimed.
AJ drove them a couple of blocks more to the emergency room. At last, he gave Thomas to the doctors. AJ watched as they wheeled him down the hallway. Thomas held his fist in the air like he was telling AJ thanks.
AJ knew that there were more lives to save and didn’t want to return to his normal life. AJ got back into to Camaro and drove through the town. Turning a corner looking for people in need of help, he saw someone laying on the ground. AJ stepped out of the muscle car.
“Are you alright?” AJ questioned the man. AJ took a closer look at him and thought that he had recognized the man from somewhere. Then, he got it. He is a wanted criminal. He is a murderer and a