Coming to the second sin “Mispricing a new product by charging what the market will bear”, I feel this can be applied to any business at anytime because the competitor finds a way to gain market by decreasing the price which is still profitable for the company. I feel this second sin as a reason for the failure due to the first sin. This may be profitable to the company only for the shot run but not for the long run as the competitor will be continuous effort to grab the opportunity. So I feel Drucker is right in this point as it applies to any business at any time.
The third sin is “Cost-driven Pricing”. I don’t agree with this just by reading the failures of some companies because many profitable companies are in top position because of cost-driven pricing. No business will sell its product or service with the cost less than the manufacturing cost which will be definite loss. Every for-profit organization tries to recover their costs and make a profit. Of course customers do not see it as their job to ensure manufacturers a profit but at the same time these organizations too don’t see just to satisfy the customer irrespective of their profits. But according to me I feel value-based pricing is more preferable than cost based pricing.
The fourth sin is “Slaughtering tomorrow’s opportunity on the altar of yesterday”. I would like to agree with this point because the circumstances change from one point of time to other. So utilizing the future opportunity based on the past fruitful results is ridiculous. The change in circumstances should be kept in mind before following the past implementations. This may lead into success sometimes and failure sometimes but it is