Flannery O Connor Literary Analysis Essay

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Pages: 11

Jack Sorensen Mr. Yanek English 1001 May 4th, 2024 Flannery O’Connor Literary Analysis After reading several of her short stories and researching her life outside of being an author, there's no doubt that Flannery O’Connor illustrated her personal take on the question of what makes someone considered “good" in her short stories. Mrs. O’Connor sets up her stories in a way to get our minds thinking more about life, she writes in a way that allows us to dig deeper and see situations from a different point of view. A common trend found in her short stories, “Good Country People'', “The Life You Save May Be Your Own”, and “A Good Man Is Hard to Find'' is that there is a character who falls into the path of the human and views someone or a situation differently than it …show more content…
Deception is used to make the people think one way and tricks a person to help the imposter fit into the group. When finally there is an act of violence, the person or people who were being deceived wake up and see the situation rationally, but it's already too late. According to Britanicca’s biography of Flannery, back in time there was a period where people trusted each other and helped one another; there was a shared idea of everyone trying to be a “good” person and it was widely accepted that people tried to better their communities through that. However, that definition has changed immensely because of everyone's different opinion of what is considered good. For example, there are many different characteristics that might make someone an ideal or better person, but what actions must they achieve to earn the social rank of being considered a “good” person? Flannery O’Connor was born, raised and lived in the South. Most of her writings involve the “Southern” writing style in some capacity. Southern writing usually consists of family, community, mortality, picturesque places and most importantly,