October 16, 2013
Descriptive narration
Flash Burn My dad was set on fire when the car backfired. He was in the process of getting his Jeep fixed. On this particular day, the project of choice was working on the carburetor. The process was simple, he would pour gas into the carb well my boyfriend Mat would turn the key over. They must have done this at least a dozen times. The last time it all went wrong. My dad poured the gas and Mat turned the key. A loud bang like a gun shoot startled me, but I did not expect to turn my head to see the most devastating thing. I looked over to where the bang was there were flames coming from under the hood. The bottle of gas my dad was holding was on fire. He was unsure where my son was so he didn’t want to throw the bottle. Instead he tried to shake the bottle that’s when it all went wrong. The gas splashed his face then the flames; he hit the floor stop, drop and roll. It didn’t work as he hit the floor the bottle of gas fell and he rolled right into it. Now his chest is on fire, he realized it’s not working he stands up and rips his shirt off and starts hitting his head to put the flames out. The smell of burning flesh and hair was all we could smell. The sight was heart breaking when he turned around; the skin that was left on his face was hanging. From the time the fire started to when he looked me in the eyes and asked how he looked had only been about a minute and a half. That fast I had to look my dad in his eyes and tell him that I loved him and we were going to get him help. The fire department and AMR were at the house so fast; they were taking him