Giving a patient a quiet room to reside in, a clean bed to sleep in, clean clothes, and adequate nutrition can make a big difference in their health status. Nightingale realized in the Crimean war that patients needed good nutrition, clean water, psychological support, care, clean beds, and clean clothes. Third, person or humankind is discussed. Person or humankind is described as the individual receiving care (Selanders, 1998). Nurses also dealt with the well being of a family, because the focus on individuals and families improved health. Talking to the family of the patient helps the patient's family to deal with psychological needs; making it easier for them to care for their ill family member. Nightingale believed individuals had biological, psychological, social, and spiritual needs and the nurse must help care for those needs to insure wellness of an individual (Selanders). Finally, Nightingale viewed health as "not only to be well, but to be able to use well every power we have" (Selanders, 1998, p.255). She believed one should strive to be in the best possible health condition. Being healthy to her did not mean being disease free; it meant striving to be in the best feasible healthy state. Health is also to make a person as comfortable as possible when they are ill or have a disease. For example, if a patient is ill and bed ridden talk to them,