Also, they were entitled to appropriate education accommodations in English. Lau is an important case on the fourteenth amendment and is cited in many civil rights cases. In June 2, 1998, California Proposition 227 a ballot passed proposition, changed the way that “Limited English Proficient (LEP) students were taught in California. This proposition required public schools to teach LEP students in classes that taught nearly all English. This proposition differs from Lau v. Nichols in the following ways: Proposition 227 is a one year program, while Lau v. Nichols is multiple years. Lau’s classroom provided bi-lingual classes, but Proposition 227 classes were mostly English. The Florida Consent Decree effects teachers training of ESOL much greater than California’s Proposition 227. Florida teachers of Basic ESOL, English, and Language Arts need the proper ESOL endorsement. Proposition 227 does not require teachers to have any special ESOL training certificate. Florida Districts must provide a plan with interim measures that report the number of students not taught and a timeline for hiring qualified ESOL teachers. My required training is needed in three categories. This will allow me to teach Kindergarten through 12th