Flowers For Algernon: Comparing The Book And Movie

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Pages: 2

Flowers for Algernon the book and Charly the movie are both about a grown man that has mental retardation and wants to become smart they are very alike yet very different. In both of the plots they had the same major events happen but the film did have a little more major events happen. In both the text and film version Charly became smart and developed feelings for Ms.Kinnian but ended up leaving her. In the text Charly liked her a lot and asked her out so they went out and in the movie he brought her something to her house and they ended up being together for a while and he left her because he knew he was losing his intelligence and just couldn't deal with it. In the book Ms.Kinnian was single and alone but in the movie she mentioned something about a fiance and even got in the car after class one night with a man. …show more content…
In the text version Algernon, Charly´s pet rat that he did tests with bite him. In the movie nothing like that ever happened instead Charly did not want him until one of his neighbors in his apartment told him it was a good thing to have a pet. Both the book and the film version of Flowers for Algernon and the book were very different yet alike as I said earlier and I really did like how they were different because it gave it a little bit of a different storyline but its also really good that it was very alike because you were able to see many similarities between both versions and it does pertain to the story