Section | Author Introduction & Theory | Author Apparatus and Operating Procedures | Author Results and Discussion | Author References and Appendix | Experiment I | Tricia Heitmann | Alex Long | William Kwendi | Khanh Ho | Experiment II | Alex Long | William Kwendi | Khanh Ho | Tricia Heitmann | Experiment V | William Kwendi | Khanh Ho | Tricia Heitmann | Alex Long |
April 29, 2013
Dr. Nollert
The University of Oklahoma
Department of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering
Norman, OK 73019
Dr. Nollert,
The experiment performed was Experiment IV: Fluid Flow Meters and Tray Hydraullics. The group was composed of Alex Long, Khanh Ho, Tricia Heitmann and myself. The first day of …show more content…
The discharge coefficient is a ratio of the efficiency of the actual discharge of the fluid over the theoretical discharge.
Figure 1: Schematic of Sieve tray showing where vapor flow enters.2
Figure 1: Schematic of Sieve tray showing where vapor flow enters.2 The other part of the experiment dealt with examining the vapor and liquid tray parameters for sieve type crossflow distillation trays. A schematic of a sieve tray is shown in Figure 1 (left). In a trayed tower, liquid flows across each tray, over an outlet weir, and into a downcomer, which takes liquid by gravity to the tray below.2 Gas flows upward through the openings in the sieve tray, bubbling through the liquid on the tray. Depending on the water and air flow rates, spray, froth, emulsion, bubble, and cellular foam flow regimes can occur in a sieve tray. There are four instances that can reduce the operating efficiency of the sieve tray: entrainment flooding, entrainment, weeping, and downflow flooding. Entrainment flooding is where both downflow flooding and entrainment occurs because the ratio of the flow rate of vapor to the flow rate of air is too high. Entrainment is where vapor carries the liquid from one tray to the tray above. This lowers efficiency because liquid from a tray of lower volatility is carried to a tray