As a self-taught photographer I had a lot to learn and getting to know these terms helped me tremendously. I was able to carry a conversation about photography and know what the hell I was talking about. Lets dive right in.
Rule of Thirds-The most basic principle behind the rule of thirds is to imagine breaking an image down into thirds horizontally and vertically. So that you have 9 parts. As you are taking a photo you would imagine a grid over the image you are taking. While taking the photo and having the grid in mind there are four important points/parts where you could place your subject in the frame. See the image below. …show more content…
Several studies have been done (whenever I hear the phrase "several studies..." I always think yeah ok. Who did they study or ask to participate in the survey? I don't ever recall walking down the street and being asked to take a survey. LOL) that found that people interact better when subjects are placed within the four points of interest.* Please note that just because it's a rule doesn't mean it can't be broken. I'm just providing you with the information and you do with what you want. FYI no I don't always follow the rules