In order to create my project I had to learn various culinary techniques for both cooking and drying. I also researched other snacks made of dried fruit from the Internet. First I researched different drying techniques, cooking temperatures, and fruit types to dry using my Food innovations textbook. I used my textbook to then practice slicing the various fruits. Then I went to and looked up similar ways to dry fruit. All of them were quite difficult. So I also used Google to look up some more simple ways to dry them. I also used to find an easier way to dry fruit. I chose to do this research to create the best possible project. I learned that drying fruit can be complicated, time consuming, and expensive. I found this useful because I always wanted to make dried fruit and now I have. My original plans were successfully creative. My area of interaction focus was Human Ingenuity which celebrates human creativity, genius, and inventiveness, at the same time examining the consequences of human inventions on our world and how these inventions affect our quality of life. My project directly relates to Human Ingenuity because I created my own recipe using a simplistic fruit assortment. Through my research I was able to have a new perspective on what it’s like to be a culinary artist.
Analysis of Process and Outcomes Yes I achieved my goal. I was able to achieve my goal by planning and practicing. Yes it was Realistic because I was able to create the product and my product is tasty and I plan to serve it at my next party. My area of interaction focus was Human Ingenuity which celebrates human creativity, genius, and