Food Insecurity In The United States

Words: 600
Pages: 3

Food insecurity affects millions of households across the United States each year. The phenomena of food insecurity occurs when a household does not have an adequate amount of, or easy access to a reliable and nutritious food source. As food insecurity affects so many different people it is important to look the unique perspectives of these people and understand the importance of hunger issues in the U.S. Personally, I make an effort to try and consider a situation from multiple perspectives. Recently, my friend and roommate went through a difficult time transitioning into college and life without her parents and boyfriend. Eventually she came to the decision that moving into her own room and space would help her overcome her problems. As her friend and roommate at the time I was slightly offended by this because I had …show more content…
Most times food insecurity begins when a person or family experiences situations such as an increase in food prices, high housing costs, unemployment or underemployment. These situations make money tight in the household and often lead to food insecurity. With little money there may be a choice between food or medicine or utilities. Differences such as age and gender all affect how food insecurity will affect a person. For example, different age groups are affected by the lack of food more so than others. Younger children may experience developmental delays, have more frequent headaches and stomach aches, and overall poor health. In contrast older adults also have poorer overall health, but also are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases and even depression. Gender can also affect how food insecurity will affect a person. Women often will alter their diet so that other members of the household will not be affected by the food shortage. These are just a few examples of how different groups of people are affected by food