I thought they were mostly lazy people who didn’t want to work for their food and just wanted handouts. After seeing and interacting with the people who shop there I could tell this wasn’t true. One lady in particular that I met received food from the pantry but also volunteered there as well. This showed me first hand that these aren’t lazy people, but just people who for what ever reason are not in the best of circumstances financially. These people are just trying to support their families in any way possible, and getting their food at the pantry is the best way to assure that they would have nutritious food on the table for their family every day. When I went to my first day of volunteering at the pantry my initial expectations where that I would just be a packing box and stocking shelves. And though I did do that in my time there I was unaware of how many personal interactions I would have with the shoppers. I got to see the people who the pantry was directly benefiting and help these people to pick out the food that they wanted. This added another level of satisfaction I received from my work. Directly seeing the people that were benefiting from the pantry helped to make the work I did there more fulfilling because I could actually see my work paying off and helping