The vegetables I used and the sensory/chemical properties: Main ingredients | Chemical properties (nutritional values) | Sensory properties (flavour, aroma, appearance, texture) | Potatoes | Natural potato is a good source of calories. In fact many people in poor countries, who cannot afford high-calorie diet such as milk products, meat and pulses, use potatoes as their prime source of calories. In the seventh century potato became famous across Europe as a crop that could save people during famines. The mineral content in potatoes if you eat potatoes regularly, you ensure a good supply of water and ions in your body. This is because, potato is rich in potassium. The vitamin content in Natural potatoes is known for the large amounts of Vitamin C present in them. The Water content in potatoes looks very big in size, but water accounts for about 70-80 percent of the weight of a potato. The starch content in potato contains about 17% starch and it is one of the best natural sources of starch. | The flavour of potatoes are bland, potatoes I think don’t really have a aroma to them, the appearance of potatoes are that they are white on the inside and either white or brown on the outside and the texture of potatoes when cooked are soft and smooth. | Peas | Peas contain a number of vitamins, and are a surprisingly good source of vitamin C. One cup of peas will give a person 98 percent of her recommended daily value for vitamin C. Peas also are a good source of vitamin A, fulfilling 21 percent of a person's daily need, and vitamin K, with 31 percent of daily need in one cup. They are a great source of B vitamins, too. There are several important minerals in peas. These include magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese and iron. The most abundant is manganese, with a cup of peas giving a person 12 percent of the recommended daily amount. A person can get 11 percent of his daily iron needs from peas, 6 percent of his magnesium and potassium needs and 5 percent of his phosphorus needs. | The flavour of peas are like a nutty but a little bit sweet taste, the aroma of peas are a bit sweet but savoury, the appearance of peas are green in colour and round in shape and the texture of peas when cooked are soft and mushy in the centre of the pea. | Carrot | Carrot provides complete nutrition to the body. 100 grams of carrot comprises of 7.6g carbohydrate, 0.6g protein, 0.3g fat, 30mg calcium and 0.6 mg iron. Apart from that, carrots are also a good source of fibre, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 vitamin C, vitamin K, biotin, potassium and thiamine. Carrots have been known to be