Five words that best represents the song: anger, manipulation, sad, heartless and confused.
Five literary devices:
Protagonist: Demi Lovato
Antagonist: her father since he is the one manipulating her
Point of View: She is referring to herself in the song therefore it is first person
Tone: The tone of this song is anger/sadness. You can hear it in her voice and in her lyrics when she says “Don't you remember I'm your baby girl?
How could you throw me right out of your world?”
Flashback: Demi refers to her past when she says “Four years old with my back to the door”
"For The Love Of A Daughter"
Four years old with my back to the door
All I could hear was the family war
Your selfish hands always expecting more
Am I your child or just a charity ward?
You have a hollowed out heart
But it's heavy