Forensic Odontology Paper

Words: 914
Pages: 4

What is forensic odontology? The identification discipline based upon the recognition of unique features present in each person’s dental structures is considered to be forensic odontology ( The submission of data to criminal enforcement with the criminal justice system is forensic dentistry (another name for forensic odontology). Suitably conducting, analyzing, and assessing the data from the dental sample can be used as evidence when proving justice. This is a reliable method of determining the decease in fatal incidents.
Forensic Odontology has been around for eons. In 1692, this rigorous form of dental science was used in the Salem Witch Trials. In this particular case, the bite marks
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A forensic odontologist preforms several tasks such as: identify unknown human remains through dental records, assist at the scene of a mass disaster, estimate age of both living and deceased persons, analysis bite marks found on victims of attack, ID bite marks in other substances, analysis of weapon marks using the principles of bite mark analysis, present bite and weapon marks analysis, an build a picture of lifestyle and diet at an archaeological site ( Forensic odontologist are dentists who trace bite marks and dental records to individuals. In death cases, an autopsy is performed meanwhile the forensic odontologists is taking pictures, measuring the cranial, getting dental impressions, and x-rays the remains …show more content…
The organizations are the Bureau of Legal Dentistry (BOLD), the American Board of Forensic Odontology (ABFO), American Society of Forensic Odontology (ASFO) and the International Organization for Forensic Odoto-Stomatology (IOFOS). The Bureau of Legal Dentistry reassures the use of several impressions to generate a dental line up. The organization also recommends using dental records which could verify dental individuality. The American Board of Forensic Odontology’s purpose is to eliminate bias results by increasing the legitimacy of bite mark analysis by creating