Forget Shorter Showers

Words: 653
Pages: 3

At the end of No Impact Man, Colin Beavan provides an answer to the question he originally posed in the beginning of the book- “Is it true that a guy like me can’t make a difference? Or am I just too lazy or frightened to try?” His response appears to touch upon aspects from both the articles by Derrick Jensen and Todd Wynard. Near the end of the year, Colin realizes that the answer to the question isn’t whether individuals like himself makes the difference, rather the answer is whether these individuals are willing to be the type of people that try to make the difference. Meaning that although personal changes to the way one lives may have an effect on the environment, what really matters is whether people are willing to put in the extra effort to truly have a positive impact on the environment. Colin’s year-long endeavor was truly …show more content…
He believes the general public has become a victim to the rhetoric of large scale corporations and the government stating that we the people are the main causers of environmental damage. According to Jensen, it is this ‘systematic misdirection’ that is preventing the people of earth from saving the planet from complete environmental destruction. He then continues to include many statistics demonstrating that the general public are not the ones who have the largest impact on the planet like we have grown to believe. For example, he informs readers that even if every individual in the general public changed their lives to live like Colin did during his year-long experiment, the amount of carbon emissions produced by the United States would only decrease by about 22 percent, rather than the 75 percent that is truly necessary to have a positive impact on the planet. Thus, in one short statement, Jensen would describe Colin’s no impact experiment as an “utterly insufficient