The first step in this procedure was to pick one set of pennies; either pre-1982 or post-1982 pennies, then record the mass of five pennies at a time from the balance. My partner, Luke and I were to keep adding five pennies at a time and measure them until all twenty-five were used. For the next step, we filled a one hundred milliliter graduated cylinder to the twenty milliliter mark with water. Using the same set of pennies, Luke and I dropped five pennies in the cylinder at a time and recorded what the level of water rose to each time after we dropped the pennies in. Then, we subtracted the original amount of water that was in the cylinder (twenty milliliters) from the level that the water rose to and recorded the answer as the volume in the tables that Miss Stilson gave us. We repeated this step until all twenty five pennies were in the cylinder. Next, we emptied the cylinder and dried off all of the pennies and put them back in