Formative Assessment: Summative Assessment

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Pages: 4

Guidance for 245OT assignment

Formative assessment: Preparing for the summative assessment
• You will be engaged in a formative assessment week commencing 24.11.14 which will provide opportunities for feedback on your decision from the rest of the seminar group and your seminar tutor. During the seminar launch you will be provided with a template to help you to structure this.
• You will work in small groups from the start of the module working through the Occupational Therapy process using your allocated case study.
• You will develop one shared long term goal for your case study within your small groups.
• You will then develop three/four short term aims together as a group.
• You will then individually select one short term goal each to
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Summative Assessment
• Your essay will focus on the case study you have been provided with at the beginning of the module. You will have been used to working on this case study within small groups within seminars to help develop your thinking and understanding related to the Occupational Therapy process and clinical reasoning.

• You are required to justify a decision made about an intervention and using theory and evidence to support your rationale for this decision and why it was made with your particular case study.

• You do not need to introduce the case study within your writing but need to clearly identify who the case study is and what specific intervention goal you are choosing.

• You need to write your work as an essay with an introduction, main body and conclusion and provide a reference list at the end. You will not need to use headings as this is an academic essay.

• You are not required to discuss and describe the whole Occupational Therapy process or what happened or make references to each stage of the process.

• Throughout your assignment you need to write in the third
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• Depth is needed rather than breadth for example -focusing on one particular intervention is important rather than a range of interventions.

• The reasoned rationale is about discussing why a particular decision was made for your particular case study and justifying this with evidence. Avoid describing the process surrounding the intervention and focus on why a decision was made to avoid being descriptive in your writing.

• It may be useful to use the bubble diagram or your own mind map to plan and prepare for your assignment to help you to break down your decision first and then consider why the decision was made with your case study and what evidence can be utilised to support this.

• In considering evidence you may use to justify your chosen intervention goal you can draw from a range of evidence including the following;

-Theory from models- spirituality, occupational adaptation, occupational participation/identity, volition
- Theories about issues/public health – social inclusion, poverty reduction, interventions to reduce obesity, mental health promotion, health promotion, relapse