Fortunato's Revenge In The Cask Of Amontillado

Words: 194
Pages: 1

"The Cask of Amontillado" is a powerful tale of revenge but also a story of just how foolishness and a general lack of good sense can cost you your life. Was Montresor’s revenge just and moral considering Fortunato’s ego, infatuation, and selfishness? Perhaps these character flaws are so hideous and cruel they justify the outcome. While this story only has two characters, in the end, their combined silliness culminates in tragedy and pain for them both. The tragedy is what makes us think more profoundly about their foolish ways – in the hopes that we can avoid ending up, even in some metaphorical way, like them. Montresor tells us that Fortunato’s one weakness is arrogance about his knowledge of wine. It’s this flaw that makes Fortunato