But when we truly think about it, what in the world comes in them and how are they made?! Simple! The ingredients Rhonda Parkinson uses are two massive egg whites, half a tsp pure vanilla extract, half a tsp pure almond extract, three tbsp vegetable oil, eight tbsp all-purpose flour, one and a half tsps of cornstarch, a fourth of a tsp of salt, eight tbsp of sugar, and three tsps of water. To make a fortune cookie, you first write fortunes on pieces of paper that will fit inside the size of your cookies. Then second preheat your oven to 300 degrees and grease or butter your baking sheets. Third, in a ... bowl carefully stir your eggs…, vanilla extract..., almond extract and vegetable oil until sudsy but not stiff. Then sift the flour, cornstarch, salt and sugar into a different bowl and stir the water into the flour mixture. Next add the flour into the egg… mixture and mix and mix until you have... smooth like batter. Position leveled tbsps of batter onto the cookie sheet, locating them close to 3 inches apart. Delicately slant the cookie sheet back and forth and from side to side so that all tbsps of batter forms into a ring about 4 inches in diameter. Bake until the outer half-inch of each cookie turns golden brown and they are easy to remove from the... sheet with a spatula. So about 14-15 minutes. You should then ...quickly, remove the cookies... and flip them... over …show more content…
Oxford University Press. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/fortune_cookie . Accessed on 13 September, 2017.Smithsonian. The National Musem of American History. http://americanhistory.si.edu/profile/500 Accessed on 10 September, 2017.
Jiwa, Bernadette. 2017. The fortune cookie Principle. http://thestoryoftelling.com/fortune-cookie-principle/ . Accessed on 13 September, 2017.
Ono, Gary. Discover Nikkei: Japanese Migrants and their Decedents. Japanese American National Museum. May 2013. http://www.discovernikkei.org/en/journal/author/ono-gary/?page=4 . Accessed on 11 September, 2017.
Parkinson, Rhonda. 2017, August 15. How to Make Fortune Cookies. The Spruce. https://www.thespruce.com/fortune-cookie-recipe-694545 Accessed on 13 September, 2017.
What do the numbers on the back of a fortune cookie mean? Answers. http://www.answers.com/Q/What_do_the_numbers_mean_on_the_back_of_a_fortune_cookie_fortunes?#slide=1 Accessed on 10 September, 2017. Yeh, Cedric & Sanefuji, Noriko. Origins of a fortune cookie. O Say Can You See: Stories from the National Musem of American History. 2010, July 8. http://americanhistory.si.edu/blog/2010/07/origins-of-a-fortune-cookie.html . Accessed on 9 September,