Frank Bruni # Meptoo Analysis

Words: 992
Pages: 4

#MeToo Women’s rights, sexual assault awareness, protecting victims - they all seem like issues that should be known and everyone should support; however, this is not the case. Right now, these topics are collectively part of the #MeToo movement, something that has been the center of controversy and debate. All aspects of the media - news outlets, TV shows, social media - are covering and voicing their opinions on #MeToo. However, one influential writer and columnist: Frank Bruni, has yet to voice his opinion. As a strong supporter of women’s rights and a firm liberal, it can be inferred that Bruni would wholeheartedly support this movement. Bruni, like most of the writers for The New York Times, holds liberal views, which strongly influence his writing. Besides outright criticizing Republicans and pointing out how “their actions routinely contradict their words,” Bruni manages …show more content…
What those people fail to see is how Bruni has effectively and strongly portrayed his political ideology - Democratic - and his support for women and women’s rights. In his articles, Bruni uses a blend of exigent and urgent tones to stress the importance of the situation. By using these tones in addition to posing various rhetorical questions that point out flaws in society or someone else’s logic, Bruni builds a strong argument and convinces others of his opinion on an issue. As poignant and informative as his writing is, everything he writes must be taken with a grain of salt because it shows a strong bias. Frank Bruni’s writing has taught me that as a consumer of political and current news, I need to identify a bias and look for works from the opposing viewpoint to get a true understanding of the topic. Despite this, I thoroughly agree with Bruni and hold the same