Franklin Delano Roosevelt: The Men Who Truly The Best

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Pages: 3

Many men have been United States presidents. Some of those men have carried the U.S. on their backs through some of the harshest times in U.S. history. As great as some of those men are, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, FDR, is truly the best.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882, to every privilege of wealth. He entered the school of Groton when he was fourteen. Rev. Endicott Peabody, the head of Groton, described FDR as, “Of more than ordinary intelligence… but not brilliant,” yet he was outgoing and made friends easily. After graduating from Groton, FDR went to Harvard Law School, at first wanting to join the Navy, in 1900, the year his father died.
When FDR announced his desire to marry his distant cousin, Eleanor Roosevelt, his mother was shocked and tried to prevent the marriage, but failed. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were married in New York on March 17, 1905. They had five
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A doctor in Maine said FDR just had an old-fashioned cold. On August 25, doctors discovered FDR had polio. FDR eventually grew into his condition, once even joking,” Maybe these legs aren’t so good… but look at those shoulders, Jack Dempsey would be green with envy!”

Former governor of New York, Alfred Smith, asked FDR to run for governor, FDR first saying no, but Smith wouldn’t give up. FDR won governor by an unimpressive margin, while Smith lost to Hoover by more than 100,000 votes. As governor, FDR helped thousands of people, but it was not enough, for he ran for president, and won against Hoover, becoming the 32nd president of the United States. FDR kept Americans’ hopes high during the Great Depression by introducing the New Deal, which offered jobs to the unemployed, and delivering an amazing inaugural speech, turning 10 simple words into a life-changing moment. “The only thing we have to fear is… fear