In Max and Kevin’s friendship, they show teamwork by Freak helping Max learn. For instance, Freak helps Max learn by carrying a dictionary wherever he goes to help Max learn words. Additionally, Freak helps Max learn is by helping teachers learn to understand Max, and by explaining things to Max in a way he can understand it. The next example of a way Freak and Max’s friendship shows teamwork is by having each other's backs. An event in the book could be when Kevin starts to choke on food during lunch at school in the cafeteria, then suddenly, Max starts panicking and calls for help. Max shows teamwork in this situation by making sure Freak was feeling alright. The final possible example is that they both compensate for each other person's weaknesses. Together they help each other move around, and be smart in certain situations. All together they are Freak the …show more content…
For this reason, we can conclude that Freak and Max’s friendship is a superb example of what a strong friendship is and should be. In conclusion, a strong friendship must include trust, teamwork, and having adventures. Based on Kevin and Max’s friendship, do you think your friendships are as strong as Kevin and