Reading the story first time you would strictly blame Oedipus for what happened throughout the books as he was the one who killed his father and married his mother, but reading another time you come to realize or accept that none of this is Oedipus fault. In the scene where Oedipus is talking to the messenger, he tells him a prophecy and it says, “Apollo said through his prophet that I …show more content…
In the last seen with Oedipus he had decided to remove his eye balls from his head for not really any reason, only to show how he was blind. Now recalling in the beginning of the book Oedipus calls the Oracle a fool and that he does not know what he is talking about because he just a blind old man. Now seeing Oedipus now, was Oedipus taking his eyes out free will, or was it destiny as we know Oedipus like to be knowledgeable and from reading other Greek mythology books like The Iliad, and or the The Odyssey, There is always a blind old man for example Homer who is the Oracle in those books. So does this mean Oedipus got what he wanted he know has knowledge but the sacrifice is being blind for the rest of his life? Also karma has played roles in Homer book as well maybe this is the Oracles payback for what Oedipus