Freedom In Lord Of The Flies

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Pages: 6

Freedom is one of the nature liberties that everyone should have. However, the excessive freedom will cause the chaos to ruin the social orders. In the story of the Lord of the Flies by William Golding, a group of schoolboys are stucked on an island. They establish a peaceful society in the beginning, but the conflicts between the boys eventually result in the sorrowful ending of the story that the island becomes a place where is filled with death and anarchy. According to this story, the theme of freedom represents that the society will turn into disordered and chaotic without the limitation of the restrictions. The lack of restrictions allows people to accomplish their own goals. The society will alter to disarrangement …show more content…
In page 127, chapter 8, Jack announces that “I’m not going to play with you any longer.’’ to Ralph during the meeting. Jack has the mindset to replace Ralph to be the chief . Although Jack uses the wrong way, the unlawful and weak society gives Jack freedom to accomplish his own goal.Jack has an entirely different way with Ralph to rule the group. All the disciplines are not important anymore because hunting and having fun are the only two things that Jack wants to do. Jack answers to the boys decisively that “We are going to forget the beast!’’ when they ask him about the solution for the beast (Page 133, Chapter 8). In order to achieve his personal benefit to go hunting and having fun, Jack is willing to take the risk to ignore the dangerous from the beast. Nobody is able to stop him because they don’t have the law on the island. The greedy for the personal desire will drive people to do anything for themselves without the limitation of restriction. Restrictions are necessary to the society because people need the law to restrict them. The littluns are a group of boys that are all in young ages. Freedom is the goal of the littluns because they want to get rid of the control from their schools, teachers, and parents. Their excitement …show more content…
William Golding describes the littluns that “They ate most of the days, pickling fruit where they could reach it and not particular about ripeness and quality” (page 59) . They lose one of the characteristics of civilization that the human follow rules to ensure the healthy life because they do not have their parents to supervise them on this island. The lack of restrictions result in the uncivilized behaviors in the littlun’s group. Since nobody is following the rules, Ralph calls the assembly in Chapter 9. He realized that “the world, that understandable lawful world, was slipping away” (page 91) when none of the boys were able to understand the reality. The boys already lost the human civilization on this barbarous island. It is impossible to turns the society into an order when the civilization has already gone. As the leader of the savages, Jack rejects to recover the restrictions when Ralph and Piggy try to persuade him. One time Piggy shouts “Which is better - to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill” (Page 180) to the savages. Nobody answers Piggy’s question, and they keep clamoring for their anger toward Piggy and Ralph because they against Jack. The chaotic and lawless society bereave the civilization of the boys. They are unable to define the right and wrong because of the lack of rules. To sum up, order is one of the most important signals for the civilization, where the human civilization