fresh water Essay

Submitted By killerkupcake
Words: 1934
Pages: 8

FRESH WATER CONSUMPTION AND MANAGEMENT In the year 2007, Atlanta Georgia faced a crisis which was unexpected especially within a developed nation, Atlanta was running out of water (Associated Press, 2007). With a 90-day water supply remaining, officials scrambled to find answers for the sake of citizen’s needs (Associated Press, 2007). One solution was to connect pipelines from Lake Ontario directly to Atlanta, however, this idea was rejected by the Canadian federal government (The Gazette, 2007). Although this issue was resolved when Atlanta received aid in form of bulk water imports from neighboring states, this issue highlighted the need for fresh water sustainability.
As Canadians, we are lucky to have an abundance of fresh water reserves within our borders which are accessible. Fresh water can be argued as one of the most precious natural resources on the planet today. Without fresh water, the human species, and other animal life will cease to exist. According to WWF Canada, Canada holds 20% of the planets fresh water (WWF Canada, 2011). Due to Canadians ease of access to fresh water, there is no experience in water scarcity (Cairns, 2007). Lucky enough to receive easy, potable fresh water on a daily basis, Canadians are not threatened by fresh water depletion. However, there has been global pressures on Canadian federal governments to export fresh water in bulk. Due to international scarcities of fresh water, attention and pressure have been increased on Canadian governments to aid and supply international needs. Thus, there is now a need to manage and sustain fresh water for future generations. Not only must we sustain our most precious and vital resource for future generations, institutions must educate individuals regarding the needs of sustaining water and the importance of fresh water for our foreseeable future.
As seen amongst our annotated bibliography, we analyze the issue of water consumption and management from an interdisciplinary approach. We will analyze the issue of fresh water management from legal, political, social, and educational prospective, thus, allowing a broader analysis. Not only do we analyze local Canadian perspectives on water, but impacts and trends in international water management. By using these perspectives, we can analyze and recommend methods of education that fall within legal borders.

Focus on a specific environmental issue:
Lack of potable water has been an issue amongst developing countries for a long period of time. The lack of fresh water should not only be a pressing issue amongst developing countries, but also developed countries. There is a rising water crisis that has been created for the last three decades and those who live in fresh water abundant areas have not seen the effects yet, however the entire planet will surely see the impacts soon enough. The privatization of water is not only an issue to do with our access to fresh water but it is continuing a social and economic structure that doesn’t sustain life. Water should be a basic human right, not be privately owned by large corporations to buy and sell. Privatizing water not only continues the division between the rich and the poor but it also creates a society full of fear and insecurity.
Key Problems that need to be addressed:

Stop the use of bottled water
Allow developing countries the right to water
2. Compare Two Environmental Education Programs:
Teens against the privatization of water. Students at Guelf University promote the use of tap water and raise awareness of the impacts of bottled water and water privatization in promoting TAP water through presentations, workshops and social media. It is important to recognize water as a human right, not a commodity to be bought and sold for profit.
3. Analyze these Environmental Education programs/projects
4. Proposing ways to enhance these programs
5. References: