Friar Lawrence To Blame In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Pages: 2

The story of Romeo and Juliet is a tale as old as time, where two lovers were destined to be together in this life or the next. Shakespeare wrote this magnificent story in 1594-96 and it was first published in 1597. After reading Romeo and Juliet, I feel the blame for their fate was due to Friar Lawrence. Although his intentions were good to unite the quarrelling Capulet and Montague families, it ended in tragedy. His underhandedness would cost the young lovers their lives.

Friar Lawrence agrees to unite Romeo and Juliet in a lawful marriage to hopefully break the evil feud between the Capulet's and Montague's. Thinking that love will dispel the feud and mend the two families together. His quote to marrying them was, "We met, we woo'd and made an exchange of vows, I'll tell thee as we pass; but this I pray, That thou consent to marry us to-day. Holy Saint Francis, what a change here!" He happily married them, hoping to have his plan succeed, despite all the risks.
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He gets to thinking and comes up with a poisonous plan to drink a potion which will put her in a deathly like sleep but will have her wake up in 42 hours all safe and sound or at least he thought. Through this process, he can't get the message to Romeo that she is taking it. There was a plague that stopped all the messaging and he didn't know that all messaging was stopped. This starts with the treacherous downfall of Romeo and