Friday Night Tykes

Words: 1957
Pages: 8

Kids naturally want to please their superiors, but would they really risk their own physical health to do so? Apparently so, this paper will give specific details of how kids are pushed to their limits to please a parent or coach. The points mainly discussed are if parents are pushing their kids to hard in sports, and how they are affected mentally, physically and emotionally. For example that show “Friday Night Tykes”. This TV series gives prime examples of not only parents pushing their children to far but also coaches pushing them to hard physically, but the real question is why? Why do these parents feel it is necessary to push their children this hard? Because people are just selfish. Conducting several detailed interviews with not only …show more content…
Yes right? It’s very common, now when you think of that you think of a teenage athlete running right? Wrong, Did you know that parents push their kids hardest to be successful in athletics between the ages of 7-12. Not even into the teenage years! Imagine going outside and seeing an 8-year-old running 3 miles before school everyday! The physical damage on that child’s body is going to be horrendous. Having a young child run that much damages their bone structure and bone development. Dr. Paul R Stricker says “During the preteen years, the brain’s ability to plan a set of plays or course of action and store that plan is at a level that allows youngsters to improve in all sports”. (Stricker) Which basically means that kids grow the most during the preteen years which in return allows them to improve the most in sports, but this also the most fragile time in a child’s life so it is important to push your child correctly and not push them so hard that they begin to resent you. In an interview with Coach Newsome head athletic trainer at Bridgeport High School he was asked “What kind of Physical damage (Bone and Muscle) would be done to a child ranging from 8-10 if they ran 3 miles a day”? His response was “ The first thing I’d be worried about would be a growth plate injury to the ankle or hips, and potentially stress fractures which are slow healing and can hurt potential bone growth one day”(Newsome). A later …show more content…
(Henson) That should never be the case! Kids should never dread the ride home after a bad game with their parents! Kids should want to ride home with their parents to be comforted on how they will succeed next time and how everything will be okay, but parents now a days are not even parents anymore they are more like a coaching staff how raised you to become a better athlete or student since the time you were born! Kids know when they are preforming poorly they also do not need the parents in the stands screaming that they are messing up. This leads to lack of self-confidence, which can be life altering. People ask “is it really that bad”? The answer is yes; Kids can be damaged mentally by being pushed to hard. Parents say such as “You’re not going to get into college if you don’t get your grades up”. These things can mess with your child’s head and even affect their self-confidence. (LoBello) If you watch how your child is effected you can see changes often in their, attitude, emotion, social behavior and even grades at school. Another reason why parents push their children so hard is because they feel that if their child is a success then they are considered a success for raising them. Other parents will ask them “How did you raise them to be so talented”? In return this gives them a chance to brag about themselves. Most of the people who are like this are arrogant jerks who just want a chance to gloat their success, or pray for success for