Frieda’s classroom is, “A place where students eligible for MiMH (Mild Mental Handicaps) can be safe and learn.” As stated in the case, Jim was classified SED (seriously emotionally disturbed) and he had to be placed in an alternative environment. If Jim truly was classified as SED, he should’ve been placed in a self-contained classroom, where he would be given the needed resources. In a classroom such as Frieda’s, Jim didn’t have the needed materials to maximize his strengths, and reform his weaknesses. …show more content…
Earlier this school year, I was able to complete a work-based learning internship in an elementary special education behavior disorder / learning disability (BD/LD) classroom. Although I am only a junior in high school, I found this learning experience to be really beneficial, improving my knowledge and practices of special education. I was able to work with a wide variety of students throughout my time, developing many connections through my journey.
Examples such as this, serve to prove the volatility in a special education classroom, and the variety of students you may work with. Although Jim is a difficult student to deal with, he still deserves the needed materials achieve success in the classroom environment. Needless to say, Jim should’ve been placed in a classroom that would be appropriate for a student with his