Frodo And Gandalf And The Lord Of The Rings

Words: 323
Pages: 2

One piece of evidence that shows Frodo and Gandalf are living in an imaginary world is the fact and that there are Hobbits (as said in paragraph 1), Elves and Orcs (paragraph 7), and Wizards. Another piece of evidence is shown in paragraph 10; Gandalf explains that the rings have 'magical' properties that brings power to its beholder, and convinces whoever pocesses it to think or do things they would not normally do. Additoinally, in Chapter 11 of book one, Frodo is stabbed by a Ringwraith with a special knife, which created a darkness in Frodo that nearly killed him. All of these things do not exsist in the real world.

In paragraph 1, Gandalf warns Frodo that the Enemy has heard that the Ring is in the Shire, with a hobbit, and Gandalf