From Honor Roll To Wannabe Gangster

Words: 972
Pages: 4

Final Paper: Application of Theories.


The title of the Dr. Phil episode I analyzed was called “From Honor Roll to Wannabe Gangster”. This episode aired on June 10, 2022. The first psychological theory I am writing about is the operant conditioning theory, by B.F. Skinner. The other psychological theory I am writing about is the conformity theory by Solomon Asch and Stanley Milgram.


This episode of Dr. Phil is about a boy named Aidan. He was once an honor roll student and also an athlete. His mom and sister brought this to Dr. Phil as a last-ditch effort. This was due to him smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol heavily. His mom first found videos of him smoking marijuana on his phone when he was 14.

He became very violent and broke windows and doors in his house. These behaviors caused him to get arrested and charged with 2 counts of battery, 1 on an officer and 1 on his mom.The family feared that if these behaviors didn’t come to a standstill, he would be in prison or even dead. Once spoken to on the show, he says these behaviors are due to having no self
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Skinner, is a learning theory that relies on the consequences of behavior to modify and shape it. In operant conditioning, behaviors are influenced by their consequences, which increases or decreases the likelihood of recurring behaviors. Reinforcement and punishment are the primary ideas through which operant conditioning operates. Reinforcement involves consequences that increase the likelihood of a behavior recurring. Positive reinforcement adds a positive stimulus, while negative reinforcement removes a negative stimulus. Punishment, involves consequences that decrease the likelihood of a behavior recurring. Positive punishment adds a negative stimulus, while negative punishment removes a positive stimulus. The timing and pattern of reinforcement delivery, known as reinforcement schedules, also play a crucial role in operant