From Snow Bound A Winter Ideal By John Greenleaf Whittier

Words: 253
Pages: 2

“Form Snow-Bound: A Winter IDYL” by John Greenleaf Whittier recalls a December day in New England, when he and his brother preformed chores on a farm. A heavy snowstorm roared through the night , then the morning after was sunless and the land looked unfamiliar. The snow stops but the winds still blew. Wood was brought in for the fire place which the family gather; they stayed warm at night as the snow battered the house. The mother, father and the uncle tell stories of childhood memories, in addition, to the poet reminiscing he and his brother are the only two to remain after; death took all the other relative. (8 pages)

Short Response I found the poem “From Snow -Bound: A Winter IDYL” by John Greenleaf Whittier a pleasurable poem, that