Fulfilling The Five Promises For America's Youth

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Pages: 6

#4 Summarize at least 2 goals discussed on America Promise Alliance Website, addition describe five areas of focus that the website recommends to improve conditions and outcomes for America's Youth: This website has a lot of information regarding to help young high risk and offender youth. The main page states their solution of “Fulfilling the Five Promises to youth is America’s responsibility, and we need you to join the effort. Young Americans need everyone – starting with you – to help them achieve their full potential.” This website explains how they bring nonprofits, local and profitable business, along with schools to help the young people within the communities that need help.
These kids are needing the help and support to get through
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Safe Places
This promise starts how the attention towards the child is at home. The promise is for the ones taken care of the child at home to help emotional, physically and psychological. To have safe at home and at school is what this promise strives for. The promise quotes “Without such “safe places” – environments that support and encourage inquiry, exploration, and play without fear of harm – children aren’t able to get support, form positive relationships and concentrate on school. This promise is a huge aspect to the child well-being and growing up. 3. A Healthy Start
It is shown the child can develop mentally and physically when they are born into a healthy lifestyle learning healthy habits. This biggest factors is eating right and exercising. If the child is healthy the promise explains how together mind and boy they are able to concentrate on the goals that needs to be achieved along with learning more and having more mind work. 4. Effective Education
To be effective in this world, the child needs to have the right skills and education. For youth to be effective in their world, they are needed to have a good education to prepare them as the promise states for work and life. 5. Opportunities to Help
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Youth that are in trouble and are too scared to go to the actual agencies for help, these agencies can post information on their website for the youth to observe and study. When you are on the suicide prevention of Colorado website, on the top is the information for the person to call and talk to if they are in need of help. Not only by posting information such as phone numbers a way to support the youth, but this also keeps the information alive for those agencies that need to be in contact with the support hot