GCSS-Army, Global Combat Support System, is one computer system with two very unique components that allow the system to run smoothly. The first component is the GCSS-Army ERP Solution, Enterprise Resource Planning, it is an automated information system that serves as the enabling system for tactical logistics from vendor to end unit and everything in between. This system achieves an integrated end-to-end system for the Army’s logistic system for command to oversee how the flow of products get from the supplier to the end unit, and the flow of money to have better accountability of funding. The second component is the AESIP, Army Enterprise System Integration Program, which is the master data file containing listing data for every …show more content…
There is training that you must complete before you can be given access to any part of the system. The training consists of around 15 different lessons that you must complete then there are additional training lessons that you must complete based on your job. Based on what job you do in the real world you will be assigned a role in GCSS-Army that corresponds with your real world job.
Features and Usage of the …show more content…
The system has made it easier for a person to oversee the flow of money from the government to the unit then to the vendor for the product the unit needs to purchase so that the unit can be more accountability for every dollar that the unit spends, in turn cutting down on government waste of taxpayer’s money. This system has created more supervision when it comes to what a person can do because of the role they are placed in limits that person to what T-Codes they can run there for limiting that person on what they can do, also placing accountability on that person so if they mess something up there is no saying someone else did it. This also greatly impacts the Army because the ones with higher rank that are used to having the lower rank people do a lot more now have to be part of the process because they are the ones who approves a lot of the changes that are made when it comes to product ordering, equipment changes, and work orders to get things added, changed or