Gang Violence And Activity

Words: 1009
Pages: 5

Chuan Li
English 5M
April 30, 2017
Essay #2
L.A. Gang Violence and Activity
Gangs, gangsters are all over the world and the United States is has an abundant collection of gangs. There are street gangs, prison gangs, motorcycle gangs, ethic and organized crime gangs. The gangs affiliate themselves by wearing the same color, dressing the same and having the same tattoos. And, they are filled with thieves, killers, lazy people, drug dealers, criminals, and they use violence to get what they desire. Local gangs are the most dangerous because the gang members are free, released, undocumented criminals that are out in the public. As a consequence, the U.S is a contender of being one of the most dangerous countries due these gangs. You can be living
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According to “Violence Institute” the general reasons why people join gangs is for 1.Identity, 2. Protection, 3. Fellowship, and 4. Intimidation. People tend to associate gang members being African American and Latino today. But according to “South Central: Gang History” originally gangs were not African American or Latino, they were White. Black and Latino gangs were a result of white racism that has been built up for decades. Until they developed their own groups in 1940s Los Angeles, to finally fight back against White gangs that terrorized …show more content…
Until the police and government got really concerned in the groups, so they started working together to break up the organizations. By planting evidence to convict members of fraud and jailing members. Also, police would spy on members, and assassinate members of the groups. Due to the loss of leaders and members of the groups, it slowly led to the ending of the Black Panther Party and the Brown Berets. The dissolving of the groups led to members not having anything to do but to go back to having the deadly gang life that once controlled their lives and controlled the streets of Los Angeles. The gang’s Crips, Bloods and Latino gangs such as Surenos started to form and would change Los Angeles forever.
Gangs in Los Angeles increased tremendously in the 1980s. The gangs did not care about any of the previous ideas that the black panther party or Brown Berets had. They were more focused on money, territory and crime. More and more street gangs started developing in the 1980s and it got so bad that it reached a point where there would be different gangs in different streets, and some blocks would have more than one