I loved the (sometimes crude) humor — they’re soldiers in a time of war and you do or say whatever will get you through. The battle descriptions are graphic — very graphic but not much worse than what’s in the Iliad. And we are talking about a battle in which thousands died by sword, spear, arrow and other various messy methods. I also enjoyed how you wrote the book kinda, sorta in the style of Homer. It takes a little bit of getting used to and isn’t a fast read but it sounds great to the ear.
I also appreciated the inclusion of the women of Sparta — no shirkers themselves. They would be the first ones out shaming the men into doing their duty for their city (and that’s what it was all about for these people — the survival of the city first) if that was what was needed. I have to say I shed a tear when Leonidas confessed his criteria for selection of the 300. So much is said about