Gatz Venn Diagram Vs Great Gatsby

Words: 387
Pages: 2

Some new perspectives and ideas that I have learned from the Gatsby vs. Gatz Venn-diagram were that James Gatz and Jay Gatsby were never satisfied and that they dream for things that were unattainable for them. As a young adult, Gatz did not enjoy his life with his poor family in North Dakota because he wanted to be affluent and to be someone with a high position in society. He ran away from his family and became a clam digger and a salmon fisher, dreaming that he could one day gain money and position. On the other hand, Gatsby was extravagant and rich. But, he was unsatisfied with his life because he was in love with Daisy, his past lover who was already married. He desired to be with Daisy and even moved into a mansion across the bay from