10. Explain the differences between MUSIC, Music …show more content…
“M” can be the Mongolian folk song as a music style, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as a composer, Madrigal as a music genre or Mezzo piano as a music expression mark; “U” can be Ut as one of notation, a tuning fork, a vowel as a warmup for singing or Unis. as a tutti mark; “S” can be Silence as a music dynamic, Igor Feodorovich Stravinsky as a composer, Sing as a way of expressing the music or School as a place for people to learn the music; “I” can be a bar-line as a part of notation, a stem of a note, a clavier in a music band or a person in the music world; “C” can be the C clef as a part of notation, the ear of people, a semi-circle in our music class or a consonant in our