Geese: The Indirect Impact On College Students

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Pages: 3

There are three themes the story Geese covers the indirect impact on college students today. The story tells that life never goes the way you picture it. We are the only creatures on this planet that have the privilege to dream. Not all the time picture perfect moments come true.When unexpected things occurred in life, Dina got up and faced those situations. When harsh things come up in life, facing away from them is not the way to go. Surviving through them will make life more adventurous and meaningful that will give value in life. When you face those situations, learn from them and grow with them. When the lessons are not learned that its guarantee that those mistakes will be made over and over again. Everyone makes mistakes but when the lesson is not learned that those mistakes will come hunt you again. It has said everyone makes the mistake that the same mistake can be made twice just be little careful next time but when those mistakes are made third time or more than, the value of it not known or …show more content…
One way it is that humans have the creativity to think what they want to achieve in the future. Most times the creative thoughts go through the human brain will just stay in the brain. They will not physically happen in real life. That is the nature of life, that things will happen that is not expected of it. It is not fair that the life works these ways, but rather than dwelling on the things that did not come true from expectation, but take in the reality and ask yourself that you can do two things one is run away from it or face the obstacle that came across in life and works with it and creates more beautiful life out of it. It is hard when something unexpected happens in life. So why not actually try to not make any obstacles pop in life. By actually looking through the negative and positive side. So when the unexpected situation comes up, there will be no shock but you will know this could happen to and go along with