There is a repeated point shown in the text we have read, this point being the differences between males and females. Each author uses different types of way to get their point across to the readers. The first author, Elizabeth Stanton, uses the most important document in the U.S. to get her audience's attention. The second author was a male and took more of a humorous approach to get his point across. The last author we read was also a male and took a more serious route to show the other side of this debate. Overall the three authors are trying to make their audiences aware of the fact that women and men live completely different lifestyles that may not always be fair. Elizabeth Stanton tried to persuade her audience that …show more content…
In order to persuade her audience Staton quotes the Declaration of Independence to show that all Americans have inalienable rights. She also uses a tactic where she list all the things men have done that make women's lives less free.. She goes into a paragraph that makes it a clear point that men are the reason women do not have rights. This quote shows how the author goes on to talk about why women are not free, “He has withheld from her rights which are given to the most ignorant and degraded men” (Stanton, 379). The next author being Dave Barry has a completely different form of persuasion. Barry uses his humor to create a more light toned discussion on the very touchy subject of cooking in the kitchen. He goes on to use words that could possibly cause arguments such as “sexist Home Economics training” (Barry, 74). In all the main points being made throughout this essay are that men can not cook and women have sort of a natural ability. This is another example of the way women and men are viewed in common day society. The next essay looks to the other side of the fence. The next essay uses opinions of friends and personal experiences to prove his point. This essay wants to convince the reader that the roles of men are not as easy as